IMMERSED— 10.3.2015 TO 12.27.2016 STUDIO
Image by Mark Menjivar
Immersed featured a dynamic selection of works from the Foundation’s extensive collection of contemporary art. Organized by Annette DiMeo Carlozzi, an independent curator and arts writer based in Austin, Texas, Immersed gave audiences a fresh look at the collection, bringing together approximately 20 compelling paintings, photographs, sculptures, and works on paper. The exhibition featured works by 17 different artists:
Terry Adkins, Chiho Aoshima, Lynda Benglis, Anne Chu, Francesco Clemente, Tracey Emin, Teresita Fernández, Antony Gormley, Arturo Herrera, Jim Hodges, Byron Kim, Surasi Kusolwong, Iñigo Manglano-Ovalle, Catherine Opie, Gabriel Orozco, Jorge Pardo, and Miwa Yanagi.
“Linda Pace, constantly questioned the creative process and the display and reception of works of art. Seeking knowledge and inspiration, she in turn offered discovery opportunities to her community. I conceived Immersed as a tribute to this generosity and to Linda’s pioneering spirit. “
—Annette DiMeo Carlozzi