Hew Locke The Prize (Rivington Place Portfolio) 2006. Digital images with silkscreen cut into 43 pieces and re-collaged into a three-dimentional object. 30 X 20 X 5 inches. Edition 6/50. © Hew Locke. Linda Pace Foundation Collection, Ruby City, San Antonio, TX. Gift of Lee Anthony & J. Travis Capps, Jr.

Ruby City Announces Donation of Rivington Place Portfolio, Including Works by Sonia Boyce, Isaac Julien, Glenn Ligon, Hew Locke, Chris Ofili and Carrie Mae Weems

San Antonio, TX (Oct. 14, 2021) –  Ruby City is pleased to announce the donation of  Rivington Place Portfolio to the Linda Pace Foundation Collection by Lee Anthony & J. Travis Capps, Jr.  The gift consists of editioned works by international artists including Sonia BoyceIsaac JulienGlenn LigonHew LockeChris Ofili and Carrie Mae Weems.  The portfolio includes photography, traditional printmaking and collage.

Rivington Place produced the portfolio in 2006 to benefit the new arts venue in Shoreditch, London. This visual arts institution opened in October 2007 and was the United Kingdom’s first permanent home for culturally diverse visual arts and photography. The portfolio reflects an international roster of black artists whose works explore the complexity of the contemporary black experience as well as society’s underlying power dynamics.

This extraordinary gift of works constitutes the 2nd gift of Anthony and Capps, Jr. to the Linda Pace Foundation Collection and fills gaps in the Foundation’s holdings for three significant artists: Boyce, Weems, and Locke. The balance of prints gives further rich context to artists’ works already in the Collection and purchased by Pace during her lifetime: Julien, Ligon and Ofili. Beyond its artistic value, this gift is also deeply connected to the life of Linda Pace and the history of Ruby City. Capps, Jr. purchased this portfolio while he and Pace were on a hard-hat tour of Rivington Place by its architect Sir David Adjaye OBE. This encounter was Pace’s introduction to Adjaye by artist and Pace’s longtime friend, Isaac Julien

Sonia Boyce, b. London, 1962

Isaac Julien, b. London, 1960

Glenn Ligon, b. New York, 1960

Hew Locke, b. Edinburgh, 1959

Chris Ofili, b. Manchesteer, 1968

Carrie Mae Weems, b. Oregon, 1953