Ruby City is pleased to share significant changes to its campus including more open hours at Chris Park and the completion of San Pedro Creek Culture Park.

Chris Park, established in 2005 by the late Linda Pace, will now be open Tuesdays through Sundays 10-6pm. This change marks a return to the original hours of the private park which is publicly accessible. Hours were initially reduced during the pandemic and continued due to increased maintenance of the landscaping (which includes delicate tropical plants) necessitated by the extreme temperatures recently experienced in San Antonio.

“It’s a pleasure to be able to share the Park with more people and to see how important this place of respite and beauty is to so many in our community,” states Director Elyse Gonzales. “This change coincides with yet another happy event, the opening of the newest phase of San Pedro Creek Culture Park which incorporates the design of Ruby City.”

In fact, the opening of this phase of the San Pedro Creek Culture Park marks the completion of Ruby City’s campus and its integration as a key anchor of this acclaimed linear park managed by the San Antonio River Authority. Ruby City is honored to be a part of the Culture Park which offers greater visibility and access to its campus.

The pathways along the Creek as well as the Camp Street Bridge are now open and all incorporate Ruby City’s design as developed by Adjaye Associates. This is evidenced most obviously in the signature red concrete that dominates this portion of the Park. Ruby City’s Plaza which sits in front of the building now extends down to San Pedro Creek in the form of a series of planted terraces. This expansion of the plaza to incorporate the Culture Park enables more programmatic opportunities such as talks, guided walks and events like Ruby City’s forthcoming Family Day on November 11.

“This incredible public park and the fact that the design of Ruby City is incorporated into its layout is significant. It developed out of a mutually beneficial partnership with Bexar County and the River Authority, and its completion allows us to further build on Linda Pace’s vision for Ruby City to serve as a gift to San Antonio. By enabling easy and free access to all, programming opportunities as well as access to the Culture Park we are primed to welcome yet more visitors who can experience the power of contemporary art and the natural beauty of the landscape right in the middle of our city.”

Visitors and passersby can readily find the entrance to the Ruby City building and cars can now reach the campus from the I-35 access road by turning on Camp Street and pulling up right outside the building. Free parking is available all along Camp Street and in the Ruby City lot. Those on bike using the Culture Park will also have access to bike stands and all will be able to use the new public restrooms located on Alamo St that are also part of this phase of the Park’s development.

This section of the San Pedro Creek at Camp Street transitions from a hard-edged design to a softer, more naturalistic looking creek. Consequently, the natural beauty of the landscape and wildlife such as egrets, turtles, and even foxes, are now visible. Also included in this phase of the creek’s development are several small parks and seating areas as well as art works commissioned and sponsored by Bexar County along with the River Authority.